The Social Inclusion Education in Georgia

project is a groundbreaking initiative to promote inclusive education in Georgia, focused on increasing equity in access to education. The initiative focuses on two key modules.

The first module focuses on upgrading the infrastructure of educational institutions, with an emphasis on the needs of people with disabilities. As part of this module, the project is establishing a partnership with St. Queen Tamar University of the Patriarchate of Georgia. This cooperation is aimed at identifying and solving urgent infrastructural needs. Specialized equipment, teaching tools and educational programs will be purchased to facilitate access and participation of people with disabilities in the educational process.

The second module of the project includes the establishment of the Stephen Hawking Inclusive Career Counseling Center to support people with disabilities and those at risk of exclusion. This center, staffed by experienced psychologists and career counselors, will offer high-level counseling services throughout the duration of the project and beyond.

The “Social Inclusion Education in Georgia” project also includes extensive training for Georgian educational staff, focusing on the use of modern devices, inclusive education, IT technologies and future competencies. These trainings will be expanded to 20 other educational institutions, spreading new educational methods and practices.

This is an ambitious project that goes beyond mere education; it is a movement for social change that seeks to build a more inclusive future for Georgia. The project gives every child, regardless of his or her situation, the opportunity to develop fully and participate actively in society.

Zrzut ekranu 2023-12-08 172919
polska_pomoc_w kopia

FINANCING: 323 420 zł 

Project co-financed within the framework of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
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