Stephen Hawking Center Inclusive for Career Development (CICD) Offer for educational institutions

With the support of the New Europe Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, the
Center for Inclusive Career Development named after Stephen Hawking is operating at the base of the office of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Georgian Committee (Tbilisi, 31 Tsinamdishvili).
The center is adapted to the needs of people with special needs and is equipped with: ergonomic furniture; interactive boards; respective computer equipment; specialized diagnostic and educational programs.


The center promotes
– Professional career development in Georgia;
– Introduction of innovative methods of inclusive learning/teaching;
– Ensuring access to the latest educational tools and technologies;
– Developing educational programs adapted to the requirements of the modern labor market


The center offers the following services:
– Diagnostics and consultations on professional orientation and/or personal development with the purpose of development the career strategies and decent employment.
– Individual and group counseling (online and offline sessions) on the development of professional skills and social competences for school and university students, teachers/lecturers and heads of educational institutions.
– Promotion of lifelong education development and organization of internship process.
– Trainings on the effective work with people having special needs.
– Accessibility assessment planning and infrastructure adaptation advising.
– Facilitating the development of educational materials and educational resources accessible to
persons with special needs.


Our center is open to all kinds of cooperation with educational institutions to improve access and quality of education for people with special needs. We believe that together we can build a more inclusive and equitable society.
Stephen William Hawking Center for Inclusive Career Development Operating on the base of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Georgian Committee

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-12-08 172919
    polska_pomoc_w kopia

    FINANCING: 323 420 zł

    Project co-financed within the framework of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

    + 995 555 122375
    ul. Tsinamdzghvrishvili 31,
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